Getting Kubernetes Certified

This summer I became πŸŽ‰ Kubernetes Certified πŸŽ‰ through the Linux Foundation.


At MyFitnessPal, we get budget each year to invest in our own professional development through training, certifications, and conferences. Since so much of my day-to-day is spent working in the Kubernetes ecosystem, I decided that formal training on the theory and practicals of Kubernetes could only strengthen my use of it. I opted to take the course that accompanies the certification (Kubernetes Fundamentals LFS258), so that I could fill in any knowledge gaps I had. I went into the class cautiously optimistic about how much new information I would learn in a formal class setting.

The Class

I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the class. It began with a high level overview of the problems that Kubernetes was designed to solve which I found valuable. No technology has value outside of its usefulness in solving a set of problems that people have.

Each chapter of the class focused on a set of concepts within Kubernetes, and although much of these were review for me (after using Kubernetes in production for almost 3 years), I picked up quite a few valuable tidbits that I hadn't been aware of previously. All in all after finishing the class, I was glad I had taken the time to formally review and reinforce the fundamentals of Kubernetes.

The Certification Exam

The CKA has an unusual (and refreshing) format. Instead of a test that focuses on concepts with multiple choice and fill in the blanks sections, the CKA is a practical exam which requires performing a set of tasks in a real, hands-on Kubernetes environment.

Because the exam's format is practical, the Course + Exam (at the time I took it) included 2 free practice sessions with a CKA exam simulator environment. I cannot stress the value of this exam prep simulator enough.Β Despite my 3 years of Kubernetes experience, I did not pass the initial take of the simulator environment. However after reviewing all of the simulation feedback and studying my course material once more, I was solidly prepared for a second taking of the simulator environment. When the time to take the exam for real came, I was prepared and passed.


I consider taking the time to formalize knowledge of Kubernetes, both in theory and practical aspects of administering a cluster quite worthwhile. Covering the content and passing the practical exam was satisfying and killed off a fair bit of my always-lingering imposter syndrome. I would highly recommend the course and exam to anyone also looking to strengthen their grip on Kubernetes. Best of luck!

This article was updated on November 6, 2022

Derek Gaffney

Tech enthusiast and SRE @ MyFitnessPal